
Your B’nai Mitzvah Experience Portal

Mazel tov on your upcoming simcha!

Mazel Tov on your upcoming b’nai mitzvah! We look forward to standing on the bima with your child and with your family as they lead our community in prayer and carry on our rich Jewish tradition. Our hope is that the b’nai mitzvah experience will be a meaningful experience not just for your child but for your entire family as well. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions during the process. We can’t wait to grow, learn, and celebrate with your family!

– Temple Emanu-El Clergy

Temple Emanu-El’s B’nai Mitzvah Team

Temple Emanu-El Clergy

Rabbi Prosnit officiates during services, guides students in writing their d'var torah and meets with families to discuss the b'nai mitzvah experience.

Rabbi Ethan Prosnit

Rabbi Prosnit officiates during services, guides students in writing their d’var torah and meets with families to discuss the b’nai mitzvah experience.
Rabbi Appell officiates during services, guides students in writing their d'var torah, meets with families, and assists children with their mitzvah projects.

Rabbi Victor Appell

Rabbi Appell officiates during services, guides students in writing their d’var torah, meets with families, and assists children with their mitzvah projects.
Cantor Goldman will help your child shine during their Torah and Haftarah chanting. She meets with all students to prepare, rehearse and practice.

Cantor Ilana Golman

Cantor Goldman will help your child shine during their Torah and Haftarah chanting. She meets with all students to prepare, rehearse and practice.

B’nai Mitzvah Tutors

Picture coming soon

Cantorial Intern Ilana Mulcachy

Joanne Glassoff, B'nai Mitzvah Tutor

Joanne Glassoff, B'nai Mitzvah Tutor

Yeda Fish, B'nai Mitzvah Tutor

Yeda Fish, B'nai Mitzvah Tutor

Hannah Lieberman, B'nai Mitzvah Tutor

Hannah Lieberman, B'nai Mitzvah Tutor

Temple Staff

Director Of Youth Learning & Engagement (YLE)

Emily Halpern

Director Of Youth Learning & Engagement (YLE)
Director of Facilities and Operations

Mike Kenny

Director of Facilities and Operations

Have a question about b’nai mitzvah at Temple emanu-El?

B'nai mitzvah question
