
Shavuot 5784

Join us for Tikkun Leil Shavuot, a night of prayer, learning, conversation and community.

Judaism and Protests

June 11th

Our panelists will share their perspectives and experiences with the recent anti-Israel protests/encampments on college campuses and how to respond as a Jewish community.

Rabbi Jonah Zinn, Executive Director of University of Florida Hillel
Dov Ben Shimon, CEO of Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest
Professor Craig Hollander, PhD, TCNJ
Professor Lesley M. Morrow, PhD, Rutgers University
Justin Greenman, PhD Candidate in Political Science, Yale University

8:30 PM: Cheesecake Break

a.   Disobedience in the Biblical Text with Rabbi Victor Appell

Does Judaism permit or even require acts of civil disobedience? There have been times when civil law and Jewish law have come in conflict. When that

happens, which takes priority? Let’s take a look at examples throughout Jewish text, including what may be the first act of civil disobedience right in the Torah.

b.   Music and Protests with Cantor Ilana Goldman

    Song is a powerful way to lift up our voices. Explore and sing Jewish songs of protests and learn the history behind them.

9:30 PM Cheesecake Break

9:45 PM

Class #2 – Topics will vary

a.   Prophets and Protests with Rabbi Ethan Prosnit

The Hebrew Bible contains many examples of protest against God. Such protest was crucial to the role of a prophet and we’ll explore their actions.

b.   Authority and Dissent in Jewish Law with Rabbi Chuck Lightner

We will discuss the application and limits of the Talmudic principle: “The law of the land is the law.”

Judaism and protests

Shavuot Morning Service with Yizkor
Wednesday, June 12

Join us for Shavuot Morning Service with Yizkor. If joining virtually, streaming can be found below: