Our community is rooted in the values of social justice and philanthropy

Your gift ensures Temple Emanu-El of Westfield can embrace innovation and creativity, inspiring Jewish life and practice and leading a vibrant, inclusive Jewish community for all.
For questions, please contact Carol Jassin at 908-232-6770 or CJassin@tewnj.org. If you are writing a check, please make sure the check is made payable to Temple Emanu-El and the Fund Name be put on the memo line.
Used for worthy purposes within and outside the Temple at the discretion of the Rabbis and Cantor.
Rabbi Prosnit’s Discretionary Fund
To enhance education and learning for both adults and children, including children with special learning needs.
These have been established for special congregational and Temple needs.
To assist students in partaking of Israel-based travel and educational programs; to assist the State of Israel and her citizens.
Herbert Brody Memorial Fund – For Israel scholarships.
Pauline Tedlow Goldberg Israel Scholarship Fund – For scholarships to high school students participating in the Eisendrath International Exchange Program or comparable programs.
To expand the library collection and library facilities.
Fritz and Edith Lehr Library Fund – To be used for family education and the Lehr Library.
Holiday Wall Plaques Donation is $250. Plaques to celebrate joyous occasions; displayed in the lobby. Sponsored by Men’s Club.
Memorial Plaques Donation is $500. Plaques placed in sanctuary to memorialize loved ones. Lights are lit on Yom Kippur and on the Shabbat before yahrzeit.
Supports continuing social justice projects at Temple Emanu-El.
Specific projects of $250 or more can be under-written by individuals or groups to memorialize or honor loved ones or to support something of importance to the donor.
Youth Programs
To assist youth in attending Jewish summer camps and similar programs; to enhance junior and senior youth group programming; to provide scholarships for educational purposes.
We value your membership and personal commitment to Temple Emanu-El, which makes all our programs and activities possible. Your dues are an important source of revenue which enables Temple Emanu-El to meet our sacred mission as a vibrant center of Jewish life.
However, dues and fees alone are not sufficient for the Temple to maintain our commitment to excellence, growth, and vitality as the leading Reform congregation in New Jersey.
Your Annual Fund donation is a personal investment that ensures the Temple’s vitality and ability to meet the needs of our diverse membership for Clergy pastoral care, life cycle celebrations, Lifelong Jewish Learning, Early Learning Center, Religious School, Bnai Mitzvah, Confirmation programs, Adult programs, Leadership Development, Community Relations as well as special programs of Jewish culture, Israel, and much more.
You are an important and integral partner with the Temple when making a generous commitment to the Annual Fund, which will help propel our Congregation forward in the year ahead.
The Temple Emanu-El Honor Society – Thank You For Your Generosity
Each contributor and every donation to Temple Emanu-El is valuable and important to our congregation. We welcome, acknowledge, and thank each donor and contribution to the Temple. As a congregant and donor all your charitable and philanthropic giving to Temple Emanu-El will be recognized each year as part of our new Temple Emanu-El Honor Society. LEARN MORE
Make a Lasting Contribution!
Donate Mishkan Hanefesh in honor of a loved one’s birthday,
wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Confirmation, and other celebrations,
or in memory of a beloved person.
$27 for single book/$45 for the two-volume set
To make your donation, please contact Carol Jassin at the Temple Office, 908-858-6318.
Prayer books will include a beautiful bookplate to acknowledge the honoree and donor.

What a wonderful way to honor someone.
Have a brick installed in the Temple Path of Peace!
Due to the specifications of the company, bricks cannot be ordered and installed on an individual basis. All bricks are ordered and installed during the fall.
Select either a Standard 4” x 8” brick with your 1-3 line inscription priced at $180, or a Large 8” x 8” brick with up to five lines at $360. Each line can be up to 13 characters (letter, space or punctuation) long.
You may also choose a “Reserved” brick to secure your space for future use. These bricks are priced at $25 for a 4” x 8” or $40 for an 8” x 8.”