We answer the call to repair the world through philanthropy, tikkun olam, and civic engagement. We model the change we wish to see in the world, inspire our youth to a lifetime of social responsibility, and show up for our communities: Jewish, local, national, and global alike.

The Tikkun Olam Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM. JOIN US. Check out our calendar below for more details.

Our Key Initiatives

  • Caring Community

    Repairing the world often begins at home. The Caring Community Committee at Temple Emanu-El assists Temple members in times of need. We are here for our families with home delivered meals, challahs on Fridays, shloshim (30-day period following burial) calls, rides, companionship, or just a listening ear.

    If you are in need, or know of someone who is in need, please contact Rabbi Victor Appell at 908-232-6770.

  • Social Advocacy & Activism

    We partner with organizations who are working to address anti-Semitism and hate crimes, advocate for civil rights, help ensure voting rights, fight for racial justice, support reproductive rights and other current critical social issues. We volunteer our time and educate our Temple members on how they can each play a role in making the world a better place for all.

  • Community Support

    “Doing for others” is at the core of our Jewish beliefs. The Westfield Fun Club works with local refugee families in Union County and elsewhere in NJ to promote social, economic, and educational well-being, helping new families create a lasting foundation for success. We work to reinforce interfaith awareness and cooperation in our communities. Click here to volunteer and to learn more about Fun Club.

  • Food Insecurity

    Food Insecurity is a significant societal issue, even right here in our own communities (in Union County, 7.3% of households experience hunger). The Temple Emanu-El community helps make a meaningful and positive impact by volunteering for and contributing to various initiatives and programs aimed at reducing hunger and helping those who need us the most.

    Bagged with Love is our signature program addressing Food Insecurity. Learn more and sign up here.

  • Homelessness Support

    Temple Emanu-El works with Family Promise, the nation’s leading organization working to prevent and end homelessness. Although we no longer physically host our guests (suspended due to COVID), our volunteers support them throughout the year in various ways including bi-annual fundraisers, providing meals throughout the year, as well as Mother’s/Father’s Day goodie bags and holiday gifts.

  • Environmental Initiatives

    We encourage our congregation to recognize the inextricable link between human and environmental health and to serve as “Shomrei Adamah” or “Keepers of the Earth.” Temple Emanu-El members work to repair our natural world by organizing park clean-ups, working together to control invasive species, organizing shoe recycling programs, hosting educational events, and much more.

Join Us for our monthly meeting.

Our committee provides an opportunity for those that want to get involved in Tikkun Olam and share your ideas and energy.  We are the primary resource to promote and support all Tikkun Olam related activities, programs, and partnerships.

We meet the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM.

Join us for an Upcoming Tikkun Olam Event