B’nai Mitzvah Journey

Mazel Tov On Your Upcoming Simcha!

Mazel Tov on your upcoming b’nai mitzvah! We look forward to standing on the bima with your child and with your family as they lead our community in prayer and carry on our rich Jewish tradition. Our hope is that the b’nai mitzvah experience will be a meaningful experience not just for your child but for your entire family as well. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions during the process. We can’t wait to grow, learn, and celebrate with your family!

– Temple Emanu-El Clergy



  • In order to start b’nai mitzvah training, you must be a member of the Temple (in good standing) and enrolled in the Youth Learning and Engagement Program (Religious School). Please contact Jackie Grussgott to learn more about membership and how to enroll in school. 

  • Family and guests are expected to attend the Friday night service prior to the b’nai mitzvah ceremony. Please plan to arrive about ten minutes before the service begins and take seats toward the front of the sanctuary. The b’nai mitzvah and their parents will participate in the lighting of the Shabbat candles. The Cantor will review the candle lighting at the rehearsal.

      • Families come up to the bimah

      • Families begin with an English reading

      • Light the candles with the already-lit taper

      • The Cantor will sing the blessing over the Shabbat candles

      • The family returns to their seats

  • We welcome the full participation of people from other faiths. There are a number of ways in which family members of other faiths can participate in the service, and we welcome them to do so. The clergy will work with your family to find meaningful ways to include all of your family in this special day.

  • Sisterhood’s Judaica Shop, located in the Gallery area of Temple Emanu-El, has an assortment of religious items available for sale for your child’s b’nai mitzvah. The Judaica Shop has everything you need to make your simcha special.  These items include traditional and contemporary tallitot (many in stock and special orders can be made), yads, jewelry and special order kipot. All merchandise in the Judaica Shop is discounted – and all proceeds from the shop go right back to the Temple.  The Judaica Shop is generally open Sundays during Religious School, after Bible Class on Tuesday morning, or by appointment.  Please email Susan Schuman at susanschuman@comcast.net if you are interested in learning more or would like to schedule an appointment.

  • Your child will receive their b’nai mitzvah date in 4th or 5th grade. 

  • The clergy assignments are based on clergy schedules and the number of b’nai mitzvah taking place on a given day. All of our clergy work with the students as they prepare to become b’nai mitzvah and they schedule meetings with the family in order to get to know them prior to the service.

  • If you need to change your date, please contact Laurie Zinberg.

  • Please contact Mike Kenny for more information about room rental.

  • After the service, you will receive a recording of the service that you can download. If you would like a livestream link, please contact lzinberg@tewnj.org.

  • For parents, you will need to recite the SheHecheyanu, found here.

    You will also need to chant the Torah blessings found here.

  • You can take pictures the week or morning of the service. Please contact Mike Kenny to make arrangements: mkenny@tewnj.org. You can also call him at 908-232-6770 x 129

  • You will fill out a questionnaire in which you will share your preferred dates. We make every effort to accommodate your requests. 

  • Lessons begin about 6 months before your child’s b’nai mitzvah. For all lesson details, please click here.

  • B’nai mitzvah is scheduled on Saturday mornings in either the main sanctuary or Brody Chapel. They are also scheduled on Monday’s during long weekends and on Sunday’s when Rosh Chodesh (the new Jewish month) occurs.

  • Your b’nai mitzvah fee will appear when your child is in 6th grade. Your b’nai mitzvah fee contributes towards the cost of b’nai mitzvah preparations such as: staffing, flowers for the bimah, the Friday night oneg and more. For details regarding your fee, please check your Temple bill. 

    Kol Nidre is also the only night of the Jewish calendar when a tallit (prayer shawl) is worn. In fact, it is traditional to wear a tallit for all of the Yom Kippur services.

  • For families that need more than 4 honors, we will provide you with a reading in English. Please contact Laurie Zinberg for more information.

  • Yes – of course! Parents are welcome to briefly share a few words to their child on the bimah.

  • A bimah is a podium/platform where the clergy and your child lead the service.

  • There are 2 options for Shabbat morning service times. The Sanctuary service begins at 10:30 AM and the Chapel service begins at 10:45. 

    The Sanctuary Service can potentially have two b’nai mitzvah at once while the Chapel is for one b’nai mitzvah at a time. 




    Director Of Youth Learning & Engagement (YLE)


    Director of Facilities and Operations


    Cantorial Intern


    B'nai Mitzvah Tutor


    B'nai Mitzvah Tutor


    B'nai Mitzvah Tutor