B’NAI MITZVAH TIMELINE: Countdown Until Your Child’s B’nai Mitzvah.
3rd Grade: Hebrew Groups Begin
We continue what has been taught in the early elementary school grades.
4th Grade: Continuing Hebrew Learning & Questionnaire
In Religious School, your child will continue to build on their Hebrew knowledge. When your child is towards the end of 4th grade, you will receive a questionnaire so you can share your date preferences for the b’nai mitzvah.
2-3 Years Before The Bnai Mitzvah: Receive Your Child’s B’nai Mitzvah Date
Mazel tov! You now have your child’s b’nai mitzvah date! It’s time to start planning for the big day.
5th Grade:
The Teaching Of Prayers And Judaics
During religious school, your child will learn how to decode the Hebrew alphabet, introduced to prayers, understand Jewish ethics and more.
6th Grade:
Continued Education
Please click here to learn more about 6th grade.
6 Months Before
Initial B’nai Mitzvah Meetings
You and your child will meet with Rabbi Prosnit as a family to discuss the b’nai mitzvah process. Your child will also meet with the Cantor and be introduced to their Torah portion. Additionally, you’ll join your child for a meeting with Rabbi Appell to discuss their mitzvah project.
5 Months Before
Prayer Review
Your child will schedule the first prayer review meeting with Yeda Fish.
2 Months Before
D’var Torah Sessions
You’ll be scheduled for d’vrar torah sessions (speech writing) with one of the rabbis.
2-3 Weeks Before
Arrange for photography with Mike Kenny.
2 Weeks Before
Final Run Throughs
Your child will run through the service, carry the Torah Scroll, and chant from the Scrolls with the Cantor. You may also begin to consider what remarks you might make, if any, to your child from bimah
1-2 Weeks Before
Final Aliyot Honors
Make sure you submit your completed “Aliyot Bar/Bat Mitzvah Honors” form.
The Week Of The B’nai Mitzvah
Final Rehearsal
You will attend the full b’nai mitzvah mitzvah rehearsal with the Cantor. Make sure you bring all materials for the service, including the d’var Torah.
The Day Before The B’nai Mitzvah
Friday Night Service
In is an honor for your child to participate in the Friday night Shabbat service. Check in with the clergy before the start of the service while your family will meet in the Rabbi’s study 15 minutes prior to the start of the service.
B’nai Mitzvah Day!
We are so excited to celebrate this simcha with you and your family
Cantorial Lessons
This is where your child will meet the Cantors to learn their Torah and haftarah portions. The Torah portion is the weekly reading from the Torah. The haftarah is the interpretation. Both portions are sung (chanted).
These meetings begin 6 months before your child’s scheduled b’nai mitzvah date.
We are so happy to join you on this journey. Your child will learn and grow with our help and guidance to become a b’nai mitzvah. Because this is a very involved process we want to give your child as much time as possible to prepare. We hope that you will learn alongside your child and get involved in the experience as well. Temple Emanu-El is committed to your child’s spiritual growth and development
D’var Torah
Your child will meet 4 times with the Rabbi to write their d’var torah (speech) approximately 8 weeks before their date.
A d’var torah is a speech that explains the weekly torah portion. Your child will go further with their own interpretation of the Torah portion and why it is meaningful to them. During their d’var torah, your child will also explain their mitzvah project.
Prayer Lessons
During your child’s b’nai mitzvah, they will lead the congregation in prayer. To prepare, your child will meet with the tutor to review all of the prayers they will recite for the service.
For examples of the prayers your will be required to know, please click here.
Prayer lessons with the tutor will begin 6 months before your child’s date.
Mitzvah Project
A Mitzvah Project is a meaningful way to engage your child, and potentially, your whole family in some of the most important values of Judaism – repairing the world (tikkun olam) and compassion for others (v’ahavta l’rayecha kamocha). Brainstorming ideas for your child’s work on a focused area of interest, Rabbi Appell will meet once with you and your child to help explore mitzvah ideas and opportunities. The Mitzvah Project meeting is scheduled when cantorial lessons begin.
Your child will work on their mitzvah project for at least 6 months leading up to their b’nai mitzvah.
A close member of your family ” presents” a tallit (prayer shawl)
The ark is opened and closed for the reading of the weekly Torah portion. When the reading is finished the Torah is returned inside the ark.
A blessing of thanks for helping us reach this day
Sung before and after the torah portion is recited.
Prayers for Honors and Aliyot
Blessings for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
Livestream & Recording of your Child’s B’nai Mitzvah Service
Temple Emanu-El is pleased to offer every child a recording of their service. A few days after the service, you will receive a downloadable copy of the service.
Livestreams are available for all services.
If your service takes place in the Sanctuary, your stream link will be: www.tewnj.org/sanctuarybmitzvah
If your service takes place in the Chapel, your stream link will be: www.tewnj.org/chapelbmitzvah
Please reach out to Mike Kenny, Director of Operations, at least 6 weeks before your date, for all photography planning: mkenny@tewnj.org, 908-232-6770. Pictures may be taken inside Brody Chapel and the Main Sanctuary but we do not allow photography during the actual service.
Available days and times for photography:
Mondays at 5:00 PM
Thursdays at 5:00 or 6:00 PM
Before the service
After the service
Temple Emanu-El is pleased to offer several options for families to continue celebrating your child becoming a B’nai Mitzvah at the Temple.
Types of celebrations which can be held at Temple Emanu-El:
Shabbat Dinner
Before Friday evening services
This is a get-together immediately following your child’s service, up to 3 hours (with no dancing) for a catered lunch.
A party at the Temple which can be held immediately following your service (Afternoon event) or later in the evening.
Cocktail hour with Reception
Invite guests to a cocktail hour followed by the reception.
Rooms at Temple Emanu-El:
Community Room
This space can accommodate 70 guests, has a full kitchen and can be decorated to your choosing.
Greifer Sacks
Refurbished in 2021, can accommodate 250 guests. The rental includes a large commercial kitchen and a beautiful space which you can decorate to your choosing.
Stage Side – Stage Side is adjacent to Greifer Sacks with a movable wall. Greifer Sacks can be combined with Stage Side to create even more space for an
The Gallery is used for Cocktail receptions and is right next to Greifer Sacks