Support Temple Emanu-El
for questions about supporting a specific fund, please be in touch with Elliot Karp, Director of Philanthropy.
Discretionary Funds
Used for worthy purposes within and outside the Temple at the discretion of the Rabbis and Cantors.
To enhance education and learning for both adults and children, including children with special learning needs.
The Abe & Selma Benjamin Scholarship Fund for Rabbinic Studies – For any student of our Temple who will be pursuing a career as a rabbi and who is in financial need.
Solomon J. Buchsbaum Fund– To be used for Jewish education.
Dr. Burton Cohen Memorial Scholarship Fund – To contribute to general operating fund.
Peter Chorost Memorial Fund – For disbursement to any special education programs for children with special needs.
Early Childhood Education Fund – To provide enhancements to the curriculum in the form of equipment, materials, and furnishings. Also used for financial assistance to continue a child’s early childhood education for those families in need.
Peter & Toby Ganz Fund – For special needs education.
Glasser Family Fund – To enable students at Temple Emanu-El and others to attend URJ camps, Israel programs, and other programs to study and experience Jewish Life. To assist students who have financial need to attend Temple Emanu-El Religious School.
Harold N. Gast Memorial Fund – For purposes recommended by the senior rabbi. Used for musical programs, adult education, and cultural events.
Religious School Fund – To enhance the quality of Jewish education through special education programs, materials and equipment, and crisis intervention.
Kabakow Fund – To assist senior citizens educationally and culturally.
Rabbi Charles A. Kroloff Fund for Jewish Learning – To enhance Jewish education in all areas of Temple and community life.
The Wendy Rosenberg Memorial Fund To support the Madrichim Program and to support Poetry & Arts in the Religious School.
Jack A. Sanzalone Memorial Fund - To improve the lives and enhance the development of young children who face special challenges, be they physical, intellectual, emotional or financial.
Iris R. Sherman Memorial Scholarship Fund – Provides scholarships to assist in meeting the expenses of Temple Emanu-El’s Religious School and the Early Childhood Education Program.
Scholarship Fund for Educationally Challenged Children – To assist educationally challenged children from our Religious/Hebrew School whose families require financial assistance in order to enhance the child’s Jewish learning experience.
Temple Scholarship Fund – For youth scholarships.
Donald and Elaine Weill Family Fund – To support Israel and Holocaust education in the Religious School.
The Holly E. Wetscher Ma’ayan Fund – To provide funds for the Ma’ayan program which offers Hebrew education to developmentally disabled children.
These have been established for special congregational and Temple needs.
The Arlene Gardner/Ed Israelow Landscaping Fund – To support the purchase and planting of trees, plants, flowers and shrubs to enhance and beautify the Temple grounds
Building Our Future Fund – To refurbish the Temple.
Create a Jewish Legacy Fund – To support the efforts of the Legacy Committee to market legacy giving and to support stewardship and recognition of legacy donors.
Endowment Fund – For major programs and physical improvements that cannot be financed by the annual operating budget. Ensured fiscal integrity of the Temple’s future.
Lavy House Fund – To support programming and to provide for necessary maintenance repairs.
Prayerbook and Large Print Prayerbook Fund – For the replacement of worn prayerbooks and purchase of new prayerbooks for Shabbat, weekday, festival and High Holyday services. Sponsored by Sisterhood.
Security Fund – To protect and preserve Temple Emanu-El, its congregants and its properties.
Temple Fund – Used where needed in the Temple.
Yahrzeit Fund – Funds contributed on the occasion of a yahrzeit. Designated primarily, but not exclusively, for ritual-related purposes especially prayerbooks and Torah commentaries.
To enhance cantorial and music programs.
Marvin Fein Fund for Cantorial Music – To support cantorial music programs.
Al D. Finkelstein Choir Fund – To buy music and support the needs of the Temple choir.
Harold N. Gast Memorial Fund – For purposes recommended by the senior rabbi. Used for musical programs, adult education, and cultural events.
Laura Holland Music Shabbat Fund – To enhance our yearly Music Shabbat service and programs.
The Rose and Fred Music Fund – To provide support for the Annual Music Shabbat and other special music events at Temple Emanu-El.
Shabbat Hallelu/Simchat Shabbat Fund in Memory of David Kopelman – To support the costs and related expenses of Shabbat Hallelu and Simchat Shabbat.
Supports continuing social justice projects at Temple Emanu-El.
Aging in Place Fund – For senior programming at the Lavy House.
The Adam Bengal Housing the Homeless Fund – For emergency situations of homeless or nearly-homeless people; including guests in our homeless program.
Caring Community Fund – Helps congregants facing emotionally diffcult situations by putting them in touch with other congregants who have faced a similar situation.
Lauren Danis Eldernet Fund – To match elderly people with special needs to those who might be able to help.
Harris & Sally Gilbert Fund for Social Justice – To support projects and programs on behalf of Tikkun Olam.
Jacqueline Hope Lewis Memorial Fund – For needs of youth, education, and Caring Community.
Mandy Reichman Fund – For the purpose of providing food for the hungry in our greater community.
The Mandy Reichman Feeding Fund also contributes to the JFS of Central NJ emergency food bags
To assist youth in attending Jewish summer camps and similar programs; to enhance junior and senior youth group programming; to provide scholarships for educational purposes.
Charles Alpert Memorial Fund – To encourage Jewish studies and community service in the Conformation Class.
The Lisbeth Brodie Fund for Jewish Education and Camping – To enable students at Temple Emanu-El and others to attend URJ camps, Israel programs, and other programs to study and experience Jewish life. To assist students who have financial need to attend Temple Emanu-El Religious School.
The Jeff and Eleanor Peris Camp Scholarship Fund – To support a Jewish Summer camp experience for Temple Emanu-El youth in need of financial assistance.
Nanci Pompan Fund for Women’s Empowerment – To underwrite programs empowering young Jewish women to feel strong, but also to feel stronger together. This fund will assist young Jewish women to attend programs and or Jewish trips, Rosh Hodesh groups, Jewish teen programs, participation in marches where they need assistance in traveling. The fund will ensure that young Jewish women can develop camaraderie with other women.
Jyl Skolnick Scholarship Fund – To provide scholarship assistance for children to attend Camp Harlam or Mitzvah Corps.
Milton & Milred Wasch Foundation – For youth group needs.
Emily Wolin Memorial Fund – For special needs with particular emphasis on Jewish youth.
Youth Fund – To support existing and new youth programs and activities, and to defray expenses of Jewish activities for youth group members and college youth.
Library Funds
To support the growth of our library and materials, please be in contact with Elliot Karp.