Support Temple Emanu-El

for questions about supporting a specific fund, please be in touch with Elliot Karp, Director of Philanthropy.

Discretionary Funds

Used for worthy purposes within and outside the Temple at the discretion of the Rabbis and Cantors.

Education Funds

To enhance education and learning for both adults and children, including children with special learning needs.

General Temple Emanu-El Funds

These have been established for special congregational and Temple needs.

Music Funds

To enhance cantorial and music programs.

Social Action

Supports continuing social justice projects at Temple Emanu-El.

Youth Programs

To assist youth in attending Jewish summer camps and similar programs; to enhance junior and senior youth group programming; to provide scholarships for educational purposes.

  • Charles Alpert Memorial Fund – To encourage Jewish studies and community service in the Conformation Class.

  • The Lisbeth Brodie Fund for Jewish Education and Camping –  To enable students at Temple Emanu-El and others to attend URJ camps, Israel programs, and other programs to study and experience Jewish life. To assist students who have financial need to attend Temple Emanu-El Religious School.

  • The Jeff and Eleanor Peris Camp Scholarship Fund –  To support a Jewish Summer camp experience for Temple Emanu-El youth in need of financial assistance.

  • Nanci Pompan Fund for Women’s Empowerment – To underwrite programs empowering young Jewish women to feel strong, but also to feel stronger together. This fund will assist young Jewish women to attend programs and or Jewish trips, Rosh Hodesh groups, Jewish teen programs, participation in marches where they need assistance in traveling. The fund will ensure that young Jewish women can develop camaraderie with other women.

  • Jyl Skolnick Scholarship Fund – To provide scholarship assistance for children to attend Camp Harlam or Mitzvah Corps.

  • Milton & Milred Wasch Foundation – For youth group needs.

  • Emily Wolin Memorial Fund – For special needs with particular emphasis on Jewish youth.

  • Youth Fund – To support existing and new youth programs and activities, and to defray expenses of Jewish activities for youth group members and college youth.

Library Funds

To support the growth of our library and materials, please be in contact with Elliot Karp.

Fritz and Edith Lehr Library Fund