If you have a ShulCloud account…

Our priority registration is now closed. For more information, please contact Jill Cimafonte.

If you do not have a ShulCloud account

Families have until January 31st to submit their applications. Placement is not first-come, first-served. After the January 31st deadline, children will be placed in classes according to the Priority Registration Structure.

Priority Registration Structure

Placement begins with the first group on the priority list, and we continue through the list sequentially. If there are more applicants than available spots in any group, we will assign each applicant a number and use a website randomizer to allocate the remaining spots.

All families will be notified of their enrollment status no later than February 7th.

  1. Clergy and staff members

  2. Temple members (3+ years) currently enrolled in the ELC (2024-2025)

  3. Temple members (<3 years) currently enrolled in the ELC (2024-2025)

  4. Siblings of former ELC students whose families have remained temple members

  5. Temple members not currently enrolled

  6. Non-members currently enrolled in the ELC (2024-2025)

  7. New non-members

Registration Policies

By submitting your application and paying the deposit you agree to the following:

Temple Membership:

If you are not currently a Temple member but would like to join, you may indicate this by selecting the appropriate box on the registration form. If your child is accepted into the program and you have chosen this option, your monthly Temple membership will commence on March 1, 2025. Temple membership must be maintained throughout the entire 2025-2026 school year.

Deposits and Tuition: 

    1. Total tuition for the school year is divided into equal monthly payments. A deposit equivalent to one month’s tuition is required at the time of application submission.

      -Infant/Toddler tuition: Divided into 11 monthly payments.

      -All other age groups: Divided into 9 monthly payments.

      -The remaining tuition payments begin on September 1, 2025.

    2. All deposits are non-refundable except in cases where your child is not admitted to the program due to priority registration limitations.

    3. If after registration, you decide to shorten the length of your child’s school day (e.g. by removing the extended day) the deposit will not be refunded.  If you choose to add an extended day option, and space is available, an additional deposit will be required.

    4. Sibling Discount: Families with two or more children will receive a sibling discount of $750 per child per year, for all except one child.  The total credit will be applied across all future bills, but not to the deposit.

    5. Registration Eligibility for Currently Enrolled Families:  All payments for families currently enrolled in our ELC must be up to date register for the upcoming school year. Any outstanding balances as of December 31, 2024, must be resolved before registration can proceed

Immunization Policy: 

All children must be current with their immunizations to register for the 2025-26 school year, and will be required to provide documentation before the start of the school year.

Program Policies and Procedure Handbook

The Program Policies and Procedure Handbook is available HERE.  By submitting your application and paying the deposit, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and agree to comply with all policies outlined in the handbook. These include, but are not limited to, our guidelines on health and wellness, communication methods, discipline and expulsion, social media, communicable diseases, child release procedures, and the Division of Children and Families' Information to Parents statement.

Enrollment Process
Your ShulCloud Account… Please read!

Confirm if you have a ShulCloud Account. You may already have an account even if you have never set one up!! To confirm if you already have an account, click on the button below and click “login” and then “forgot password”. If you need help, please contact Jackie Grussgott at jgrussgott@tewnj.org.

If you do not have an active ShulCloud account, you can create one by using the button below.

Now that you have completed the process of creating your account on ShulCloud, you will now be able to log into your account.

In order to register your child, you must update your account to include your child's profile. If your child's profile is not listed on your ShulCloud account, you will not be able to enroll them. 

Add your child to your ShulCloud account:

1. Log into your account

2. Click on "Update My Family Information"

3. Click on "edit your family" ("add a person will also work"). Here you can edit your information and your partner's information. 

4. Click on "children". Please add your child's first and last name, Hebrew name (if known), gender (you may use the dropdown or manually enter their gender) and pronouns, and birth date. You do not need to enter any contact information for your child. 

Setup Your Payment Methods

After your child is listed in your account, we recommend setting up your payment method prior to when registration comes out to speed up your enrollment process. You can do this easily in your ShulCloud account by clicking on the "My Payment Methods" button. Here you will be able to put your credit card on file (however if you pay via credit card there is a processing fee of 2.9%) or ACH (no processing fee).