Israel and the Path Towards Peace
in a Post October 7 Reality with
Nadav Tamir, Executive Director, J Street

Opening remarks by Rabbi Kroloff

Sunday, March 2 at 5 PM

Join us for the first in a series of programs, sponsored by the Israel Committee, featuring a variety of speakers and view points about Israel and the path forward.

As former Israeli Consul General to New England – and former advisor to President Shimon Peres – Nadav Tamir holds deep wisdom and knowledge on the importance of diplomacy, American politics and US policy on Israel. 

 Nadav’s personal story, ranging from his IDF service to his Israeli civil service posts in Washington, D.C. and Boston, gives him unique insight into the American Jewish community, the impact of American lobbying on Israel, and, most importantly, the need for a pro-peace, pro-diplomacy political solution. 

Nadav is J Street Israel’s Executive Director. He is also an adviser for international affairs at the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation. He’s a member of the board of the Mitvim think tank and the steering committee of the Geneva Initiative. 

Nadav earned his MA from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government as a Wexner fellow and his BA in philosophy and political science from the Hebrew University.