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Come Celebrate the Dedication of our New Torah

Sunday, March 10

We did it! We are honored to have had Linda Coppleson, one of the first female Torah scribes, guide us and help us fulfill the last of the 613 commandments – the writing of a Torah. We learned, we scribed, and after 16 months it is time to celebrate as we dedicate our new Torah on March 10!

8:30 AM: Gather in Mindowaskin Park
9:00 AM: Celebratory march to Temple Emanu-El
9:45 – 10:45 AM: Dedication service and celebration

Be a part of this momentous event in the history of our congregation!
Celebrate the Dedication of Temple Emanu-El’s New Torah

Torah Project Sponsorship Opportunity

The scribing is complete, but there are still opportunities to sponsor The Torah Project.  Meaningful sponsorship may include a particular part of the Torah like a Bar/Bat Mitzvah parsha, a Hebrew name of a child or grandchild, a favorite holiday, a letter, a word, or an especially significant passage.

To support this project, please consider a sponsorship level that is right for you.

girls with scribe
What is a Sefer Torah

The Hebrew words Sefer Torah literally mean “Book of the Torah” and refers to the Torah scroll with the five books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). A Torah is made up of specially prepared parchment sheets, from the skins of a kosher animal. It is written by a scribe (sofer/soferet) who is specially trained to write according to very specific rules. The sofer/soferet writes the Torah by hand using specially prepared ink and a turkey feather quill.

It is what we read from every Shabbat morning, at B’nai Mitzvah services, on Rosh Chodesh (the start of each Hebrew month), Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah.

The last commandment of the Torah is to write one’s own Sefer Torah.

Scribing on Yom HaShoah

Scribing with the Early Childhood


Coming soon! 

Scribing with YLE

Family Scribing

Coming soon! 

Rabbi Appell’s High Holy Days Sermon about the Torah Project

A Tour of the Torah from Union for Reform Judaism on Vimeo.